May 31, 2022

We all want the best for our children, so when it comes to their diets, we often feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. This post will give you every piece of information you need to know about your toddler’s diet like the famous blog From what they should be eating and what they shouldn’t be eating- this article has you covered!


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that toddlers should eat a balanced diet consisting of carbohydrate-rich foods, protein-rich foods, fat-containing foods and dairy products. These food groups provide adequate energy, essential nutrients and vitamins for growth. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy but too much can lead to obesity and tooth decay.

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  1. Calories


One of the most important parts of a toddler’s diet, calories are the energy that fuels our bodies. Calorie intake will vary depending on an individual’s age, weight, height and activity level. The AAP recommends that toddlers should consume between 13-27 calories per pound of body weight. So if a child weighs 50 pounds, they should be consuming 650 to 1350 calories per day.


The recommended number of calories should be slowly increased between 18-24 months as toddlers become more active. Toddlers may have outbursts if they are not fed consistently so it is important to make sure that meals are planned throughout the day.

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  1. Protein


Another important part of a toddler’s diet, protein is needed to build and repair tissues, maintain muscle mass and support growth. Protein also helps to regulate blood sugar. One way that protein is determined in the diets of toddlers is through meat and calcium. Meat is preferred to dairy products for 3 main reasons: it contains less fat than dairy does, it provides an essential nutrient (vitamin B12) that can’t be found in dairy products and meat gives children other essential nutrients such as iron and zinc.


  1. Fats


Fats are needed for growth, skin health and cell structure. It is very important to make sure that your toddler’s diet consists of healthy fats because natural fats are vital for a growing body. Nuts, seeds, olives and avocado can provide essential fatty acids (EFAs) and not all fat is bad for you.

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  1. Carbohydrates


Just like with adults, toddlers can consume too many carbohydrates, which can lead to obesity. Toddlers should avoid sugary drinks as these can increase their risk for tooth decay and cavities, however healthy drinks such as water are encouraged. Natural products like fruits and vegetables are also encouraged to be included in a toddler’s diet.


  1. Vitamins


It is important to make sure that toddlers are getting their vitamins and minerals as they grow and develop. The AAP recommends that you serve your child a wide variety of foods as this will ensure they get all of the essential nutrients that they need. When it comes to vitamins, avoid giving your toddler more than what is recommended on the labels of any vitamins unless directed by a doctor. Toddlers should be drinking at least one cup of milk per day for calcium and vitamin D purposes.

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It is important to make sure that your toddler eats a wide variety of foods, including grains, protein, fruits and vegetables. It is also important that the right amount of calories and vitamins are consumed to fuel their growing body.

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